Perspectives Podcast

Shelter-In-Place Homeschooling Episode 4 - Guest Tanya Priebe and host Holly Kalua

Holly Kalua Season 1 Episode 4

Aloha, my name is Holly Kalua and as a new Shelter in Place (SIP) Mom (and nurse); I wanted to find help for those of us who have never attempted schooling our children at home. Through this "SIP Schoolers" series, we find even the experienced homeschooling parent has had to overcome new hurdles with COVID and other challenges that we can all learn from and support each other through our parenting journeys.
Telecommuting mom and interior design business owner, Tanya Priebe, designs a successful schedule for achieving distance learning curriculum goals for her 2 children. Tanya has not only tapped into her artistic creativity, she has leveraged her multi-tasking talents in organizing and project management to balance her role of Teacher, Mom and Wife. Tanya’s energy and determination is unmatched, so listen closely so you don’t miss out on her tips and tricks to staying on track. 

Tanya admits to the initial panic, intermittent tears and the occasional incentive to see it all come together. Mostly, she has enjoyed seeing what her children are capable of and the extra time that they have had together.