Perspectives Podcast

Shelter-In-Place Homeschooling Episode 7 - Guest Shannon Park-Kreuzer and host Holly Kalua

Holly Kalua

Aloha, my name is Holly Kalua and as a new Shelter in Place (SIP) Mom (and nurse); I wanted to find help for those of us who have never attempted schooling our children at home. Through this "SIP Schoolers" series, we find even the experienced homeschooling parent has had to overcome new hurdles with COVID and other challenges that we can all learn from and support each other through our parenting journeys.

Seasoned homeschooling Mom, distance learning phD Student and assistant researcher, Shannon Park-Kreuzer, successfully home-schooled and graduated all four of her children for the majority of their K-12 academic years! When Shannon's friends and colleagues are reaching out for work-life-school balance tips, she reminds them how important it is to build, not crush, the children's academic self-esteem and the rest will fall in place. 

If you're concerned whether your children will be successful adults after homeschooling them, Shannon's story will have you thinking a resounding "Yes!"