Perspectives Podcast

Shelter-In-Place Homeschooling Episode 11 with Guest Cynthia Mears and host Holly Kalua

Holly Kalua

Aloha, my name is Holly Kalua and as a Shelter in Place (SIP) Mom (and nurse); I wanted to find help for those of us who have never attempted schooling our children at home. Through this "SIP Schoolers" series, we find even the experienced homeschooling parent has had to overcome new hurdles with COVID and other challenges that we can all learn from and support each other through our parenting journeys.

My amazing guest and mother of three girls, Cynthia Mears shares her clinical expertise in how to raise healthier and happier children through her holistic approach. She knows it's a tough balancing act to manage all of life's demands, but encourages us to give ourselves a break. Yay! Thank-you, Cynthia!

Given that Cynthia is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, you're going to learn so much! Listen in on how to protect your children from free-radicals, inspire your family to eat more vegetables and learn about aeroponic vertical gardening that includes the Pre-K to 7th grade curriculum.

****Cynthia's personal offer when you e-mail her at mention that you heard her on this podcast and she'll send you 5 free organic seedlings when you order a Tower Garden (even the 12 month no interest option). You can learn more at